The use of soil as material for academic awareness: an experience with the Future Scientists Project

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The use of soil as material for academic awareness: an experience with the Future Scientists Project

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Title: The use of soil as material for academic awareness: an experience with the Future Scientists Project
Author: Santos, Bruna da Silva do Carmo; Frangueli, Brenda Cavalcante Tavares; Aliaga, Ana Luísa Pagnoncelli; Latosinski, Karina Trevisan
Abstract: Rammed earth is an ancient technique that stands out in terms of sustainability and versatility of mixtures. Thus, this was the main activity to be presented to public high school students, in the future scientists project, a program that encourages girls to investigate the scientific environment. Therefore, the present work aims to analyze the result of this scientific immersion of land use together with the knowledge presented to the participants. The method was divided into stages: presentation of general concepts about the land, practical experimental activities, remote activities and divulgation of the activities developed. The results achieved were the knowledge acquired about the characterization of the land and the products acquired from it, such as paints, miniadobes and samples of compacted earth, which allowed evaluating the behavior of the rammed earth with the mixtures prepared, in addition to inspiring the students. of the project to be followed in academia.
Date: 2023-06-05

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