Scale gain analysis in the case for Social Innovation “Voz das Comunidades”

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Scale gain analysis in the case for Social Innovation “Voz das Comunidades”

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Title: Scale gain analysis in the case for Social Innovation “Voz das Comunidades”
Author: Albrecht, Letícia; Cipolla, Carla
Abstract: Bearing in mind the increased impact and great relevance of the “Voz das Comunidades” project – a community newspaper that gained greater prominence after the police invasion of Complexo do Alemão in 2010 –, this article aims to point out the factors that contributed for its scalability. For this purpose, the trajectory of the project and the results pointed out in the article “Scalability of social innovations: a meta-synthesis“ were analyzed, in order to understand the common factors between the two. The analyzed article indicates factors that promote scalability and a proposal for the concept of “environment conducive to scalability”, based on the analysis of nine cases for Social Innovation. As a result of the analysis between the trajectory of the project and the results presented in the article, it was identified that the factors: leadership, credibility and reputation, philanthropy, partnerships, and involvement of community members were decisive for the community newspaper to increase its impact.
Date: 2023-06-05

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