Complex geometries in sustainability-oriented architectural works: an integrative approach to architecture teaching

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Complex geometries in sustainability-oriented architectural works: an integrative approach to architecture teaching

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Title: Complex geometries in sustainability-oriented architectural works: an integrative approach to architecture teaching
Author: Pires, Janice de Freitas; Borda, Adriane; Oliveira, Brunna Pereira de; Paixão, Letícia Pereira
Abstract: This article presents the results so far of a research project that brings together the fields of teaching graphic representation and architectural design. The project employs an integrative approach for training in representation, aligned with the concern regarding the functionality of buildings in the face of environmental issues, based on the study of complex geometries that are adopted in reference works. Based on the structured notion of knowledge (techniques, technologies and theories), by Yves Chevallard, analysis activities are developed for works conceived with such geometries together with the discourses of their architects, aiming to understand the relationships they have with the aspects of sustainability. The results refer to the explanation of this knowledge in theoretical and technological terms, to support representation activities, especially with parametric modeling techniques, to be inserted in architecture training
Date: 2023-06-05

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