This article aims to understand the perspectives and contributions of researches that interconnect
fashion and sustainability, using as specific context the case of the scientific event Encontro de
Sustentabilidade em Projeto - ENSUS. This is a study of quantitative-qualitative approach of
exploratory-descriptive type, carried out through a systematic analysis of bibliography, in which, with
support of the software IRaMuTeQ®, thematic networks were listed. As for the main results, 76 texts
were found classified into three thematic networks: I) Sustainability, production processes and waste
use; II) Fashion designer and sustainability; and III) Fashion, consumption and environmental
impact. If in the past, the debates focused on the environmental impacts caused by the production and
consumption of clothes in a fast and massive way, in the current contemporary context, the discussions
are increasingly centered on the creation of strategies and the use of technologies that aim to reduce
the socio-environmental consequences caused by the fashion industry. |