Uses and properties of bamboo charcoal

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Uses and properties of bamboo charcoal

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Title: Uses and properties of bamboo charcoal
Author: Ostapiv, Fabiano
Abstract: In this work was made a brief review of the main uses of bamboo charcoal. Several uses were found, the main ones being: treating water and effluents, improving the structure and fertility of soil adsorbent of vapors and odors to improve air quality inside buildings, remove oil spilled at sea, absorbing and diffusing electromagnetic and acoustics waves, acoustic treatment of indoor environments, emergency treatment against poisoning by ingestion, among other uses. The work also was discussed the process of carbonization of bamboo and was shown a portable equipment for the production of charcoal on a small scale. Was analyzed some properties of charcoal from bamboos of the following species: Phyllostachys pubescens (mossô bamboo), Bambusa tuldoides, Dendrocalamus asper (giant bamboo) and Bambusa vulgaris vittata (Brazilian bamboo)
Date: 2023-06-05

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