Debating LCA application in Lagoa da Conceição’s WWTP: a critical review on LCA applied to WWTPs

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Debating LCA application in Lagoa da Conceição’s WWTP: a critical review on LCA applied to WWTPs

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Title: Debating LCA application in Lagoa da Conceição’s WWTP: a critical review on LCA applied to WWTPs
Author: Schinkel, Clayton Diogo
Abstract: The irregular occupation of the territory in Lagoa da Conceição, and the deficiencies on the wastewater management system, impacted negatively the trophic state of the coastal lagoon. After the wastewater overflow in Lagoa da Conceição’s Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) the impact increased. The overflow manifested the need for an accurate quantification of the impacts caused by the WWTP. LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) it’s a recognized tool for quantifying environmental impacts caused by a product/system. Thus, this article aims to discuss the application of WWTPs through a critical review, establishing relations between the results found by these applications, and the use of LCA in Lagoa da Conceição’s case. 03 lines of discussion were identified on the articles review: the role of LCA in identifying critical spots and improvement opportunities in WWTPs, comparison between conventional and alternative infrastructures, and the life circularity on WWTPs
Date: 2023-05-05

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