A mobilidade urbana como fonte de desenvolvimento sustentável: Reflexões sobre a cidade de Panambi/RS.

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A mobilidade urbana como fonte de desenvolvimento sustentável: Reflexões sobre a cidade de Panambi/RS.

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Title: A mobilidade urbana como fonte de desenvolvimento sustentável: Reflexões sobre a cidade de Panambi/RS.
Author: Oliveira, Tarcísio Dorn de; Bridi, Marcelle Engler; Wildner, Gabriel da Silva; Bressam, Gabriela da Costa da Silva; Oliveira, Júlio Cézar
Abstract: The mobility of cities did not keep pace with the rapid economic development of the country and, in a general way, the quality of life linked to this theme has been lacking in most of the regions of the country. The rapid urbanization of cities, these transformations from predominantly rural to mostly urban, was also a factor that weighed on the difficulty of mobility accompanying such development. For the sustainable scope, it is a theme that aims to incorporate economic, social, intellectual and physical factors of each individual. Going beyond the elementary aspect: the coming and going, but considering that there should be a planning for a set of transportation and circulation policies that aims at using non-motorized, collective forms of transportation and incorporating urban mobility for individuals who have Permanent or reduced physical difficulty. This is based on the city of Panambi, in the interior of the State of Rio Grande do Sul / RS, using it as a parameter for the reflection of the problem and bibliographical research pertinent to the central theme. And thus seeing how the quality of life of the population of a city is influenced by efficiency and quality when moving from one location to another.
URI: https://repositorio.ufsc.br/handle/123456789/240663
Date: 2017-05-03

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