dc.contributor |
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina |
pt_BR |
dc.contributor.advisor |
Santos, Alckmar Luiz dos |
dc.contributor.author |
Nascimento, Andréa Maria |
dc.date.accessioned |
2019-09-17T17:12:45Z |
dc.date.available |
2019-09-17T17:12:45Z |
dc.date.issued |
2019-08-17 |
dc.identifier.uri |
https://repositorio.ufsc.br/handle/123456789/200636 |
dc.description |
TCC (especialização) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Linguagem e Educação a Distância |
pt_BR |
dc.description.abstract |
Tendo como ponto de partida a realidade imersa ao avanço tecnológico, é de suma
importância que as escolas mudem seu formato educativo. Nesta perspectiva fica claro que
somente o uso do quadro, da caneta e do caderno, não é mais suficiente para manter os alunos,
que por sua vez, nascidos na década de 1980, também chamados de nativos digitais, se
mantenham interessados a aprenderem e participarem ativamente das aulas em sala de aula.
Sendo assim, alguns conceitos com relação ao ensino aprendizagem precisam ser revistos nos
ambientes escolares, pois é necessário acompanharmos as mudanças que acontecem no meio
que nos cercam, bem como nas salas de aula. Possibilitar aos nossos alunos caminhos que
dissipem o uso nocivo do celular é papel fundamental, partindo deste pressuposto, cabe a nós
educadores mudarmos este quadro, apesar de termos uma Lei vigente, a Lei nº 14.363, de 25
de janeiro de 2008, a qual dispunha sobre a proibição do uso do telefone celular nas escolas
estaduais de Santa Catarina. Contudo ainda batemos de frente com a realidade imposta, pois,
vivemos em um mundo online, sendo que as escolas ainda estão off-line. Considerado os
novos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem a nova Base Nacional Comum Curricular
(BNCC), que traz em sua uma de sua competência geral, a interação com a tecnologia nas
escolas, fez-se necessário a realização deste trabalho, tendo como objetivo geral, oportunizar
ao aluno novas socializações do conhecimento por meio do uso de uma ferramenta
tecnológica, especificamente o celular, no que diz respeito ao processo de ensino
aprendizagem, perpetuando assim, o encontro metodológico com os alunos digitas na área das
artes realizado pela professora Andrea Maria do Nascimento juntamente com quatro alunas
de 9° ano da Escola Básica de Ensino Fundamental Professor José Rodrigues.O resultado
alcançado foi surpreendente e gratificante, o envolvimento e aprendizagem por parte das
alunas foi evidente, vindo de encontro a necessidade de mudarmos nossa pratica educativas e
utilizarmos as Tecnologias Móveis sem Fio como forma de estratégias que já estão nas mãos
dos nossos alunos geração Y. |
pt_BR |
dc.description.abstract |
Taking as it starting point the reclity immersed in technological advancement, it is of
paramount importance that schools change their educational format. From this perspective it
is clear thatonly the use of the board, pen and notebook is no longer enough to keep students,
who in turn, brn in the 1980s, also called digital natives, keep interested in learning and
participating actively from classroom lessons. Thus, some concepts regarding teaching and
learning need to be reviewed in school environments, because it is necessary to follow the
changes that happen in the environments, as well as in classrooms. Providing our students
with ways to dispel harmful cell phone use is a fundamental role. Based on this assumption, it
is up to us educators to change this picture, despite the fact that we have a Law in force, Law
14.363, of 25 January 2008 which provided for a ban on the use of mobile phones in Santa
Catarina State schools. However, we still facethe imposed reality, because we live in an
online world, with schools still offline. Considering the new teaching and learning processes
the new Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC), which brings in its one of its general
competence, the interaction with technology in schools, this work was necessary, having a
general objective, to provide the student with new socializations of knowledge through the
use of a technological tool, specifically the cell phone, with regar to the teaching and learning
process, thus perpetuating the methodological meeting with digital students in the area of the
Arts conducted by teacher Andréa Maria do Nascimento along with four 9th grade students
from the Professor José Rodrigues Elementary School. The result was surprising and
rewarding, the involvement and learning by the students was evidente, meeting the need to
change our educational practice and useWireless Mobile Technologies as a form of strategias
that are already in the hands of our generation Y students. |
pt_BR |
dc.format.extent |
Taking as it starting point the reclity immersed in technological advancement, it is of
paramount importance that schools change their educational format. From this perspective it
is clear thatonly the use of the board, pen and notebook is no longer enough to keep students,
who in turn, brn in the 1980s, also called digital natives, keep interested in learning and
participating actively from classroom lessons. Thus, some concepts regarding teaching and
learning need to be reviewed in school environments, because it is necessary to follow the
changes that happen in the environments, as well as in classrooms. Providing our students
with ways to dispel harmful cell phone use is a fundamental role. Based on this assumption, it
is up to us educators to change this picture, despite the fact that we have a Law in force, Law
14.363, of 25 January 2008 which provided for a ban on the use of mobile phones in Santa
Catarina State schools. However, we still facethe imposed reality, because we live in an
online world, with schools still offline. Considering the new teaching and learning processes
the new Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC), which brings in its one of its general
competence, the interaction with technology in schools, this work was necessary, having a
general objective, to provide the student with new socializations of knowledge through the
use of a technological tool, specifically the cell phone, with regar to the teaching and learning
process, thus perpetuating the methodological meeting with digital students in the area of the
Arts conducted by teacher Andréa Maria do Nascimento along with four 9th grade students
from the Professor José Rodrigues Elementary School. The result was surprising and
rewarding, the involvement and learning by the students was evidente, meeting the need to
change our educational practice and useWireless Mobile Technologies as a form of strategias
that are already in the hands of our generation Y students. |
pt_BR |
dc.language.iso |
por |
pt_BR |
dc.publisher |
Florianópolis ,SC |
pt_BR |
dc.subject |
Tecnologia. Celular. Aprendizagem. |
pt_BR |
dc.title |
O Uso de Ferramentas Tecnológicas Como Recurso Pedagógico No Processo De Ensino E Aprendizagem Dos Alunos Do Ensino Fundamental: O celular como ferramenta pedagógica vindo de encontro aos nativos digitais. |
pt_BR |
dc.type |
TCCes |
pt_BR |