Estratégias empíricas em patrocínio esportivo à luz da experiência de organizações esportivas e empresas investidoras

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Estratégias empíricas em patrocínio esportivo à luz da experiência de organizações esportivas e empresas investidoras

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dc.contributor Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina pt_BR
dc.contributor.advisor Cardoso, Olga Regina pt_BR Caballero Lois, Nicolas pt_BR 2014-08-06T17:47:39Z 2014-08-06T17:47:39Z 2013 pt_BR
dc.identifier.other 325539 pt_BR
dc.description Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção. Florianópolis, 2013. pt_BR
dc.description.abstract pt_BR
dc.description.abstract Abstract : Nowadays, the sports sponsorship is seen by a wide variety ofenterprises as one of the main strategies for an efficient promotion onthe market, constituting, at the same time, a significant source of fundsfor the sporting organizations. However, in order to reach theirobjectives, both of them need to adopt a professional attitude along theentire process. With the present study, we aim to present strategies forthe construction of mechanisms to create the efficiency on a sportingsponsorship. The main processes of sporting sponsorship in Brazil wereused as our object of study, taking into account the contract length,resources invested and results achieved, the study first highlights theimportance of recognizing reasons of investment in this strategy, whichestablishes an appropriate commercial relationship with pre-establishedgoals. During the prospection and realization of the sportingsponsorship, there must be a previous study of the prospect, which willshape the offer in a negotiation in which both sides will gain. The datareveal that the investment in sporting sponsorship may reach significantresults if accompanied by a development of parallel strategies asexploiting the protagonists, attracting new partners, activation,monitoring on the return and combating ambush marketing. Finally,with this work, from the investment made on sporting sponsorship, wewere able to indicate a return in terms of promotion, institution,mainstream media, relationship and business generation for theinvesting enterprises and an improvement in the sporting performanceand the management processes of the sporting organizations. en
dc.format.extent 342 p.| il. pt_BR
dc.language.iso por pt_BR
dc.subject.classification Engenharia de produção pt_BR
dc.subject.classification Inteligência organizacional pt_BR
dc.subject.classification Marketing esportivo pt_BR
dc.title Estratégias empíricas em patrocínio esportivo à luz da experiência de organizações esportivas e empresas investidoras pt_BR
dc.type Tese (Doutorado) pt_BR

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