Usos e efeitos dos benzodiazepínicos na visão de usuários

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Usos e efeitos dos benzodiazepínicos na visão de usuários

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Title: Usos e efeitos dos benzodiazepínicos na visão de usuários
Author: Welter, Ana Carolina
Abstract: Benzodiazepínicos podem gerar dependência. São recomendados para tratamentos curtos, porém muitos usuários fazem uso contínuo. Este trabalho buscou compreender os motivos pelos quais os sujeitos iniciam o tratamento, porque mantém o uso contínuo, os efeitos experimentados, investigar tentativas de suspensão e como se dá esse processo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa com base em entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Foram entrevistados cinco indivíduos participantes de um grupo de acompanhamento de medicamentos psicotrópicos de um Centro de Saúde. As motivações que levaram os indivíduos a procurarem ajuda médica surgiram na forma de diagnósticos como ansiedade, depressão, problemas psiquiátricos. Após indagações mais profundas, os problemas da vida foram observados como motivos. Chegar à abstinência é difícil e gera sintomas desagradáveis que podem fazer com que os indivíduos se tornem resistentes a novas tentativas, apesar de terem consciência de sua importância. Os problemas decorrentes das adversidades da vida, assim como a forma de lidar com estas situações, desempenharam papel importante para o estabelecimento da situação emocional dos sujeitos de pesquisa, levando-os a iniciar e manter tratamento farmacológico com benzodiazepínicos, sendo possível desvendar processos de medicalização da vida.<br>Abstract : Benzodiazepines were first marketed in the 1960s. Because they have greater security than barbiturates, quickly became the most prescribed medications for anxiety and sleep problemns. They are used as hypnotics, anxiolytics, muscle relaxants, or anticonvulsants, and enter the classification os psychotropic drugs, because they can generate physical and/or psychological dependence. They have a number of adverse effects, and the most common are somnolence, sedation, muscle weakness, ataxia. The most severe can cause amnesia, cognitive impairment, psychomotor problems and dependece. They are recommended for short-term treatments, up to four weeks. But appears that many users do continuous use, for more than six months. This study sought to understand the reasons for which individuals start treatment with this type of medication and why they maintain regular use, the effects experienced during use and investigate attempts to suspend these medicines and how this process takes place. This is a qualitative research based on in-depth semi-structured interviews. Five users participating in a group of accompaniment of psychotropic medications in a Health Centre in Florianópolis # SC, were interviewed. Despite recommendations for, and respondents make continuous use of the drug. The motivations that led individuals to seek medical help first appeared as diagnosis such as anxiety, depression, psychiatric problems. But after deep questions about feelings, unanimity with respect to the problems of life was seen among participants. In general, everyday problems have great importance and significance. It is possible to perceive a process of medicalization of life of these people, who can no longer cope with adverse or even normal situations of life. Although adverse effects were observed during the interviews, such as drowsiness, dizziness, fall, dry mouth, memory problems, individuals tended to deny, ignore or underestimate the effects of therapy, perhaps because they do not understand that these symptoms are adverse effects to the drug. The effects experienced during withdrawal of benzodiazepines showed signs of abstinence syndrome, such as rebound aniety, palpitations, psychomotor problems, vertigo, tremor. The process of lowering the dose with the goal of total abstinence is difficult, generates unpleasant symptoms that may cause the individual to become resistant to new attempts, although the subjetcs were aware of its importance. To create strategies for intervention and prevention regarding continuous use of benzodiazepines is necessary to understand what users of these drugs feel and think about their treatment, about dealing with life´s problems. The continuous use of benzodiazepines causes damage often irreversible and must be used consciously, evaluating the benefits and risks of this particular type of treatment.
Description: Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva, Florianópolis, 2012
Date: 2012

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