Oportunidade de intervenção farmacêutica no tratamento de pacientes com hepatite viral C crônica: estudo de caso no município de Itajaí/SC

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Oportunidade de intervenção farmacêutica no tratamento de pacientes com hepatite viral C crônica: estudo de caso no município de Itajaí/SC

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Title: Oportunidade de intervenção farmacêutica no tratamento de pacientes com hepatite viral C crônica: estudo de caso no município de Itajaí/SC
Author: Bernardo, Noemia Liege Maria da Cunha
Abstract: A infecção pelo vírus da hepatite C (HCV) representa um importante problema de saúde pública. O tratamento da hepatite viral C crônica é complexo, envolvendo a aplicação semanal de alfapeginterferon, doses diárias de ribavirina, realização de exames laboratoriais periódicos para monitorização da terapêutica, elevada incidência de efeitos adversos e tempo prolongado de tratamento. O presente estudo objetivou descrever as oportunidades de intervenção farmacêutica no tratamento de pacientes com hepatite viral C crônica. Os dados referentes ao tratamento de pacientes com a hepatite viral C crônica, no município de Itajaí/SC, foram coletados por meio de um estudo transversal. A estruturação do serviço de assistência a estes pacientes foi analisada por meio de um estudo descritivo, e a evolução do tratamento farmacológico por intermédio de um estudo de acompanhamento farmacoterapêutico. Os resultados evidenciaram fatores relacionados ao paciente e à terapêutica, não observados em estudos anteriores. A incidência de efeitos adversos foi considerada a principal causa de redução de doses ou de interrupção do tratamento, sendo esta última por abandono do próprio paciente ou por intervenção médica. Desta maneira, constatou-se que o papel do farmacêutico como prestador de cuidados em saúde deve estar orientado na educação dos pacientes e no acompanhamento do processo logístico, além da prevenção e do manejo de efeitos adversos durante o tratamento.Infection by hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an important public health problem. The treatment of chronic C viral hepatitis is complex, due the weekly use of interferon alfa peguylated, daily doses of ribavirin, periodical exams to monitoring the therapeutic, high incidence of adverse effects and long time of the treatment. This study aimed to describe the opportunity of pharmaceutical intervention in the treatment of patients with chronic C viral hepatitis. Data from the treatment of patients with chronic C viral hepatitis, in Itajaí/SC, were getting by a transversal study. The structure of the health care system to these patients was analyzed by a descriptive study and the evolution of the pharmaceutical treatment were identify through a preliminary study of pharmacotherapeutic monitoring. The results revealed factors related to patients and to therapeutic that are not reported before. The incidence of adverse effects was the mainly cause to dose reduction or interruption, been this last one by patient abandon or doctor interruption. Therefore, this study highlighted the role of pharmacist as a health care professional that must to be oriented for the patient education and for the monitoring of logistic process and also for prevention and management of adverse effects during the treatment.Infection by hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an important public health problem. The treatment of chronic C viral hepatitis is complex, due the weekly use of interferon alfa peguylated, daily doses of ribavirin, periodical exams to monitoring the therapeutic, high incidence of adverse effects and long time of the treatment. This study aimed to describe the opportunity of pharmaceutical intervention in the treatment of patients with chronic C viral hepatitis. Data from the treatment of patients with chronic C viral hepatitis, in Itajaí/SC, were getting by a transversal study. The structure of the health care system to these patients was analyzed by a descriptive study and the evolution of the pharmaceutical treatment were identify through a preliminary study of pharmacotherapeutic monitoring. The results revealed factors related to patients and to therapeutic that are not reported before. The incidence of adverse effects was the mainly cause to dose reduction or interruption, been this last one by patient abandon or doctor interruption. Therefore, this study highlighted the role of pharmacist as a health care professional that must to be oriented for the patient education and for the monitoring of logistic process and also for prevention and management of adverse effects during the treatment.
Description: Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Farmácia, Florianópolis, 2010
URI: http://repositorio.ufsc.br/xmlui/handle/123456789/94264
Date: 2012-10-25

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