Os sentidos do trabalho para os cooperados na experiência autogestionária da Coopereunião (Dionísio Cerqueira, SC)

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Os sentidos do trabalho para os cooperados na experiência autogestionária da Coopereunião (Dionísio Cerqueira, SC)

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Title: Os sentidos do trabalho para os cooperados na experiência autogestionária da Coopereunião (Dionísio Cerqueira, SC)
Author: Debiazi, Rose Elke
Abstract: O presente trabalho constitui-se num estudo de caso que procurar analisar a percepção dos cooperados da Cooperativa de Produção Agropecuária União do Oeste - Cooperunião acerca do seu universo laboral. A Cooperunião está localizada no município de Dionísio Cerqueira (Santa Catarina), no assentamento "Conquista na Fronteira", e trata-se de uma experiência autogestionária vinculada ao Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST). A pesquisa constatou que a Cooperunião alcançou conquistas importantes nas condições concretas de vida e trabalho dos associados, tais como: melhoria nas condições de moradia, saúde, maior nível de escolaridade, descanso anual e incremento na renda; e do ponto de vista subjetivo, a vivência no coletivo, a democracia interna e a horizontalidade oportunizou o estabelecimento de novas relações de trabalho e sujeitos mais conscientes, críticos e solidários. Constatou também a contradição entre os ideais autogestionários e os princípios dos socialistas utópicos do século XIX e a práticas adotadas pelo "cooperativismo atual" no Brasil, sobretudo, pós década de 1980. Esse período é marcadamente caracterizado pela desregulamentação e precarização das relações de trabalho e pelo surgimento do cooperativismo enquanto forma alternativa de reproduzir a vida. Nesse sentido, a proposta erigida pelo MST adquire contornos próprios e aponta a existência de uma relação de trabalho qualitativamente superior a da realidade presenciada, no entanto, o estudo também evidencia os limites para se assegurar a continuidade das experiências autogestionárias sem a superação das contradições principais do sistema capitalista. This paper is a study that analyzes the perception of those cooperated of Cooperative of Production Agricultural Union of the West (Cooperunião) about the work universe. The Coopeunião is located in the Dionísio Cerqueira (Santa Catarina), in the settlement "Conquista na Fronteira ", and it is an experience self-management linked to the Landless Workers Movement (MST). The field research verified that Cooperunião reached important conquests in the concrete conditions of life and work the associates such as: improvement in the dwelling conditions, health, more time in the school, days of work more human and increment in the income; and of the subjective point of view, the existence in the common,, the democracy interns and the horizontals built new work relationships and subject more conscious, critical and solidary. It also verified the contradiction between the ideal self-management and the utopian socialists' of the century XIX and the practices adopted by the " cooperativism current" in Brazil, above all, powders decade of 1980. That period is characterized remarkably by the deregulation and precarious of the work relationships and for the appearance of the cooperativism as alternative form of reproducing the life. In that sense, the proposal forged by MST acquires own contours and it aims the existence of a relationship of superior work the one of the witnessed reality, however, the study also evidences the limits to make sure the continuity of the experiences self-management without the overcome of the contradictions of a society organized around the production of goodsThis paper is a study that analyzes the perception of those cooperated of Cooperative of Production Agricultural Union of the West (Cooperunião) about the work universe. The Coopeunião is located in the Dionísio Cerqueira (Santa Catarina), in the settlement "Conquista na Fronteira ", and it is an experience self-management linked to the Landless Workers Movement (MST). The field research verified that Cooperunião reached important conquests in the concrete conditions of life and work the associates such as: improvement in the dwelling conditions, health, more time in the school, days of work more human and increment in the income; and of the subjective point of view, the existence in the common,, the democracy interns and the horizontals built new work relationships and subject more conscious, critical and solidary. It also verified the contradiction between the ideal self-management and the utopian socialists' of the century XIX and the practices adopted by the " cooperativism current" in Brazil, above all, powders decade of 1980. That period is characterized remarkably by the deregulation and precarious of the work relationships and for the appearance of the cooperativism as alternative form of reproducing the life. In that sense, the proposal forged by MST acquires own contours and it aims the existence of a relationship of superior work the one of the witnessed reality, however, the study also evidences the limits to make sure the continuity of the experiences self-management without the overcome of the contradictions of a society organized around the production of goods
Description: Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agroecossistemas.
URI: http://repositorio.ufsc.br/xmlui/handle/123456789/91566
Date: 2008

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