A construção de um modelo de curso lato sensu via internet: a experiência com o curso de especialização para gestores de instituições de ensino técnico UFSC/SENAI

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A construção de um modelo de curso lato sensu via internet: a experiência com o curso de especialização para gestores de instituições de ensino técnico UFSC/SENAI

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Title: A construção de um modelo de curso lato sensu via internet: a experiência com o curso de especialização para gestores de instituições de ensino técnico UFSC/SENAI
Author: Bittencourt, Dênia Falcão de
Abstract: O trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para a construção de um curso de educação a distância baseado principalmente na Internet. Norteado por princípios pedagógicos e tecnológicos, enfoca as diversas etapas desde o planejamento até a sua aplicação em um caso real, demonstrando os recursos necessários e os agentes envolvidos. O caso apresentado relata a experiência com o Curso de Especialização para Gestores de Instituições de Ensino Técnico, desenvolvido pelo Laboratório de Ensino a Distância, e efetivado por meio do convênio entre a Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) e o Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (SENAI)The SENAI1 Online Program is a graduate level diploma program for managers of technical training institutions. SENAI is the Brazilian National Industrial Education Service, which promotes and assists in the training and skills upgrading of professionals within the private sector, specifically in industry and production. The online program is offered via the Internet and is being produced in conjunction with the Distance Education Laboratory of the Federal University of Santa Catarina. It will serve to train technicians and Managers of the SENAI system, who are located all around Brazil. The objective of the program is to implement, via distance education, a new education vision, in break with old paradigms and more directed towards new technologies and new concepts of business management and production techniques. In order to achieve this goal, the pedagogical model promotes an emphasis on group work and the empowerment of students to become responsible for their own learning. This work describes the instructional design process used in the implementation of this course. This discussion includes the process of structuring the appropriate learning environment for the given group of students, the adaptation of the content and administration of the courses for the Internet, the importance of the accompanying printed material, as well as teacher assistant training. This project is more than simply as specialised training program. Since the students are managers of technical training institutions, they will, in effect, become multipliers of the knowledge acquired, eventually acting as agents of economic development. The program also serves as model for other industry/university joint initiatives in Brazil which will be offered in the coming months.
Description: Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico.
URI: http://repositorio.ufsc.br/xmlui/handle/123456789/80714
Date: 1999

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