Paths for Sustainable Development in the Region of Low Paraíba do Sul River

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Paths for Sustainable Development in the Region of Low Paraíba do Sul River

Show simple item record Barreto, Nayara Felix Riscado, Thaís Nacif de Souza Ferreira, Maria Inês Paes 2023-06-29T13:52:04Z 2023-06-29T13:52:04Z 2023-06-05
dc.identifier.issn 2596-237X
dc.description.abstract The present work aims to present strategies to promote sustainable development in the Lower Paraíba do Sul and Itabapoana Hydrographic Region of the state of Rio de Janeiro (RH-IX/ERJ), from the result of the application of a system of indicators called thrivability appraisal, specially developed in light of the UN 2030 Agenda, considering integrated water resources management as the main guideline to achieve its goals. This system works as a decision support tool for water resource managers and combines the seven dimensions of sustainability with principles associated with integrated and participatory water management procedures. The indicator system was developed at the regional level, starting from the case of RH-VIII (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and the Regional District of Nanaimo (Vancouver Island, Canada). The article presents an example of the application of this methodology in the RH-IX/ERJ, where the lower course of the Paraíba do Sul river basin is located. We conclude that the the socio-environmental system (SSA) under study has positive aspects, but also weaknesses in relation to the sustainability principles that constitutes the thrivability appraisal, and suggest alternatives to overcome the detected challenges, taking advantage of its potential pt_BR
dc.language.iso por pt_BR
dc.publisher Grupo de Pesquisa Virtuhab/ UFSC pt_BR
dc.subject 2030 Agenda, SDG 6 pt_BR
dc.subject Sustainability pt_BR
dc.subject Integrated Water Resources Management pt_BR
dc.title Paths for Sustainable Development in the Region of Low Paraíba do Sul River pt_BR
dc.title.alternative Caminhos para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável na Região do Baixo Paraíba do Sul pt_BR
dc.type Article pt_BR

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