Food citizenship: play, imagination, and metaphors

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Food citizenship: play, imagination, and metaphors

Show simple item record Schmidt, Alessandra Gerson Saltiel 2023-06-22T16:57:53Z 2023-06-22T16:57:53Z 2023-06-05
dc.identifier.isbn 978-65-00-70842-4
dc.identifier.issn 2596-237X
dc.description.abstract This article was crafted from data collected in Barcelona and Bali. The study uses an ethnographic approach to understand the everyday life of work teams of independent creative organisations and ‘enterprising imaginative citizens’ (Hjorth, 2013) engaged in relationally responsive future-making and, specifically, the idea of “food citizenship”. The look is at spaces for work collaboration to foresee practical contributions in how creative narratives are conceived within open-source communities. Coupled relations steered by imagination and figurative language are demonstrated to inspire both changes in human behaviour, as well as playgrounds for civic action. Theoretical contributions on the dynamics of organisations put forth in Foucault’s (1991) “spaces of possibility” are made. pt_BR
dc.language.iso por pt_BR
dc.publisher Grupo de Pesquisa Virtuhab pt_BR
dc.subject Metaphors pt_BR
dc.subject Open-source pt_BR
dc.subject Entrepreneurship pt_BR
dc.subject Food citizenship pt_BR
dc.subject Convivial tools pt_BR
dc.title Food citizenship: play, imagination, and metaphors pt_BR
dc.title.alternative Cidadania alimentar: play, imaginação e metáforas pt_BR
dc.type Article pt_BR

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