British Gothic Novels (1764 - 1820)

Repositório institucional da UFSC

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British Gothic Novels (1764 - 1820)


Gothic Digital Series @ UFSC is a student-training project in e-book production and publication. On the principle that making literature available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge, the project seeks to bring classical works of Gothic fiction to a wider audience,providing free and unrestricted access to all of its contents under the terms of the public domain laws. If you want to cite from this digital edition, it is perfectly legitimate to use just the URL. We would be grateful for an acknowledgment. Citation styles vary, and the style you need depends on the demands of your publisher or teacher. In the absence of any specific requirements, we suggest the following citation style: <Author>. <Title>. Gothic Digital Series @ UFSC. 2015. <url> All the original texts in this collection were written over 100 years ago and they are in the public domain in Brazil (life +70). Readers in other countries must check their local copyright laws to ascertain if they can legally download this digital edition. We cannot offer guidance on whether any specific use of any specific text or book is allowed in your country. Neither the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina nor anyone associated with the project assumes any responsibility for the material contained within the document or for the file as an electronic transmission. Copyright infringement is a serious matter so, whatever your use, keep in mind that you are responsible for ensuring that what you are doing is legal. Although you are allowed to make unrestricted use of this digital edition we offer you, it is intended for personal and educational purposes only, please refrain from making any kind of commercial use. Constructing a perfect digital edition is a huge challenge and, despite our best efforts, you may find editing mistakes in this edition. These errors are minimal and should not prevent you from enjoying the content of the book. If you do find errors, either in the text or in formatting, please inform as we continue to make enhancements in the editions. We hope you will enjoy reading this book as much as we enjoyed making it.

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