Browsing C20th American Gothic by Subject "Short Story"
Serravalle de Sá, Daniel (Org.); Wharton, Edith
(The Century Magazine, 1910)
Serravalle de Sá, Daniel (Org.); Anderson, Sherwood
(Death in the Woods and Other Stories, 1933)
Serravalle de Sá, Daniel (Org.); O'Connor, Flannery
(A good man is hard to find, 1955)
Serravalle de Sá, Daniel (Org.); O'Connor, Flannery
(The Avon Book of Modern Writing, 1953)
Serravalle de Sá, Daniel (Org.); O'Connor, Flannery
(Everything That Rises Must Converge, 1965)
Serravalle de Sá, Daniel (Org.); Faulkner, William
(The Forum, 1930)
Serravalle de Sá, Daniel (Org.); L’Heureux, John
(Desires, 1981)
Serravalle de Sá, Daniel (Org.); McCullers, Carson
(Harper’s Bazaar, 1943)
Serravalle de Sá, Daniel (Org.); Derleth, August
(Lonesome Places, 1962)
Serravalle de Sá, Daniel (Org.); Jackson, Shirley
(The New Yorker, 1948-06)
Serravalle de Sá, Daniel (Org.); Oates, Joyce Carol
(American Gothic Tales, 1996)
Serravalle de Sá, Daniel (Org.); Bradbury, Ray
(The Saturday Evening Post, 1950)
Serravalle de Sá, Daniel (Org.); McCullers, Carson
(Story Magazine, 1936)
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